Gilgamesh Retreated after leaving behind a ruined throne room and a very angry Emperor.
Ba'al would watch the city from a distance. Thousands of fire and pillars of smoke drifted from the city as even this far away she could hear the screams of soldiers dying and the clashing of steel. Wei artillery had been moved into place and was firing napalm-like substances into the city, creating massive firestorms that burned through the residential areas of the city.
DC: 17
CON Save
Effect: Deafened (Storm of Vengeance) [5.1 minutes]9
〇Suddenly a massive beam of light would erupt from near the broken gate towards Ba'al as the spell finally finished. But she would agilely dodge the worst of it with ease.
Just as she was about to cast the spell she would sense a great buildup of mana coming from the city.
She would see that there was a figure rising from the palace, just a pinprick at the moment but coming close. And fast.
Current initiative: 17 (round 2)
17: Ba'al <0/80 HP> (AC 15)
# 17: Dong Zhou <Injured> (Crown of Stars [59.9 minutes])
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
Ba'al <49/80 HP> (AC 15)
> Immunities: thunder, lightning
Damage: 1d10 (6) [magical force] = 6
Damage: 1d10 (9) [magical force] = 9
Damage: 1d10 (8) [magical force] = 8
Dong Zhou <Injured>
◉〇Ba'al <43/80 HP> (AC 15)
> Immunities: thunder, lightning
Round 3. You call six bolts of lightning from the cloud to strike six creatures or objects of your choice beneath the cloud. A given creature or object can't be struck by more than one bolt. A struck creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 10d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
@MoonBowBishPoisonFist (you can now use this as its technically round 3)1
DC: 1730
; Success!
Damage: (43) / 2 [magical lightning] = 21
〇Dong Zhou <Injured>
* Crown of Stars [59.9 minutes] (Attack: +11|7d12[radiant])
With the Anti-Spatial Transfiguration sigil broken, Asteria Caelestis and her Servant have been sent out via long range instant travel to infiltrate the insides of the palace they've become familiar with.
To keep Zhou's grail-powered forces occupied, all Masters and Servants must attack the capital.
Among the many groups of Masters and Servants is Sun Quan, Arran Chatelain, Klara Silverbane, Elysia Glass and Tristan.
The grail-powered soldiers fight with raw brutality. It's incredible to think that the grail has so much might, it can make even humans keep up with Servants.
[Everyone participating in this rp will gain 100 GP and 10 DT to one character of their choice.]As soon as the Holy Grail loses its power over the soldiers, you watch them all collapse like flies.
Rayshift has been initiated. You'll soon find yourselves back in the rayshift room of Chaldea's headquarters.